Welcome to patagoniaart.tk.

We are a community of few amateur artists, that wants to present their work to the world. This community was born in the middle of year 2002. Since than, it growed and growed, to present state.

We are very open community, so if you want, you can join us without any fear. Only job you have to do, is send us an email with your nickname, email adress, and some artwork of course :) We are enjoing to you. You can also publish your artwork on our site if you want, you just have to send it to our email adress.

Enjoy, XcomeX :o)



  • new logo
  • few webdesign improvements
  • it's done (new webdesign), i hope, fheeew!


  • new webdesign was loaded to the server
  • we have started test running of new webdesign


  • new webdesign was created
  • happy new year :)
Created by Deow in 2004.